Make Him Your Passion - Mission Stories by Dr. Sherry-Ann Brown

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, "Whom shall I send? ..." And I said, "Here am I. Send me!" ~ Isaiah 6:8

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Passion To Change The World

Something happened today that upset me. I tried to let it go while I studied (for the boards), but I remained upset. Eventually, I thought about why I get so passionate about things and react so strongly in general.. I often wish I didn’t. Then I was reminded, as I prayed about it, that it’s the same passion that leads me to the endeavors that I undertake in my life, to the poetry that I write which reaches people’s hearts, to looking towards the future, and innovating for a better tomorrow for everyone. If I took any of that passion away, I would lose all of that passion. So, again I concede to reacting strongly on the inside to things and being passionate about them even in ways that I would prefer to quell, because in the end, if I quell these reactions, then I would also inadvertently be quelling reactions that will help change the world. #BeTheChange


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